Tablets and
Using Mobile
Devices as Educational Tools
in Florence
The course has been created
for participants interested in Technology Enhanced Learning and M-learning; attendees
can discover how laptops, tablets and smartphones can be integrated into a
teacher’s toolkit.
The course
in Florence was aimed at those in-service teachers in the primary, secondary
and vocational sectors working with mobile devices or are about to apply tablets
and smartphones as educational tools in their teaching methodology.
During this training course, participants got fresh
ideas on how to incorporate technology into their lessons. We learnt how to use
software, platforms and apps to communicate, to manage groups and to foster
collaboration. We delved into Padlet, Trello, Ed Puzzle, Canva, and many more. We
also had the chance to experience how learning can be enhanced by using serious
technological games and quizzes.
The course
was taught interactively, with input sessions and collaborative work, both as
pair and group project work to carry practical tasks.
It ended
with an evaluation session, where teachers were asked to reflect upon the value
of the knowledge gained on the course.
addition, participants were introduced to appropriate websites related to the
further development of their teaching skills and personal professional
Gimignano – spectacularly diverse and captivating, Siena
- the historic archrival to Florence, Chianti – one of the most popular
areas in Tuscany with the breathtaking landscapes as well as Pisa with
the Leaning Tower were worth dedicating a full day of exploration.